Finally I Have A Handel On Things

Amazing what one nice day can do for your spirits. I’ve almost crawled out of my holidaytime funk. Here’s how.

  • Grounded David from his phone, which resulted in a tenfold improvement in attitude.
  • After fighting over who should get more dominoes, Cameron, Justin and Alex settled down for a quiet and pleasant game of HeadBanz game in Justin and Alex’s room.
  • Cameron challenged me to a drawing contest while we waited for pizza.
  • Justin spent the afternoon at his best friend, Karlie’s house, and by the time he came home he was too exhausted to be difficult.
  • Since everyone was behaving, Barry got to take a nap, which made him much easier to live with.
  • And to cleanse my palate after writing yesterday’s post about atrocious seasonal music, I attended my friend’s choral concert and listened to angelic voices singing about the real meaning of Christmas through classical hymns and carols. Handel, Britten, Biebl.
  • One glass of pinot grigio. Amazing what a nice effect that has.
  • Time out with good friends, no phone calls from home the entire duration.
  • Lying in bed with Alex, touching his face as he fell asleep while we listened to The Coventry Carol and Still, Still, Still on my iPhone.

I think the music made the biggest difference. Tomorrow may be an all classical day. For the first time in weeks I feel relaxed. Quick plug for Exultate Chamber Choir & Orchestra. Best kept secret in the Twin Cities. As talented and polished as a professional group in an intimate setting for half the price and half the hassle. Pick up one of their CDs for Christmas, you won’t be disappointed.

© Jennifer Alys Windholz, 2011

One thought on “Finally I Have A Handel On Things

  1. Music is so soothing, isn’t it? The attitude of everyone in my house changes when we play classical music. It’s amazing! And, so lovely to have a glass of wine with you. 🙂

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