Selling Out

I’ve written before (Why I Don’t Like The State Fair) about how and why I despise the State Fair. Any State Fair. Even the Minnesota State Fair.

So what am doing this year? Completely whoring myself out as a contributor to the 365 Twin Cities blog. For 12 straight days I’m posting an article about what to do at the State Fair and why the State Fair is SO awesome.

Prostituting myself for money. What artists have done since the beginning of time. I feel like I’ve finally achieved something.

Catch the first of my handy and informational posts called The Minnesota State Fair – The Basics.

© Jennifer Alys Windholz, 2012


Dave And Jenny

My little musings on this site are usually rooted in frustration. It’s what inspires me, and has since I was young. Certain teachers hassled me for my “bad attitude,” but I never really saw myself as being negative, just honest, a little snarky, and sarcastic. What joy is there in life if you can’t make fun of it?

I like to think that over the years I’ve developed my own voice, but the one writer I always aspired to be like was Dave Barry, a humor columnist for The Miami Herald. He’s rarely serious, other than a few notable moments, like Hurricane Andrew, 9/11, and his brother’s diagnosis with colon cancer, which makes his columns about those things that much more poignant, has a conversational style of writing, often drawing from his own life, and is pretty much nothing short of a genius.

If you’re not following his coverage of the 2012 Olympics in London, you should be. Check out his updates at where you’ll find fantastic lines like this. “The word “equestrian” comes from two Greek words: ‘eques,’ meaning ‘horses,’ and ‘trian,’ meaning ‘being ridden by people with large inheritances and names like Edwina Ponce-Twickendale.'”

Along with his humor writings, he’s written, along with Ridley Pearson, a series of children’s novels, published by Hyperion Books, the first one called, Peter and the Starcatchers. I took David and Cameron to one of his tour events at a local bookseller a few years back, and he was quite charming and funny.

And a couple of years ago, I was turned on to The Bloggess, a blog written by Jenny Lawson, who is cute as a button, funnier than anything you’ll ever read, and swears like a sailor. Like Dave Barry, she also writes about personal experiences and living in the Texas Hill Country, but is more raw, and very open with her difficult struggles with anxiety disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, and depression.

Jenny recently completed her first book, a memoir entitled, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, published by Penguin Group, and has had tour dates in various cities. Last night she was in the Twin Cities and my friend, Julie and I were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to hear her do a reading and Q&A session, then briefly talk to her while she signed books.

Favorite quote of the entire book: “Also, when I read this paragraph (about her mom grabbing a rifle from the gun cabinet to kill a rattlesnake) to people who don’t live in the South, they get hung up on the fact that we had furniture devoted to just guns, but in rural Texas, pretty much everyone has a gun cabinet. Unless they’re gay. Then they have gun armoires.”

I have my own designs on putting together a book, and I know it took her many years to finish hers, which gives me a bit of hope. She has certainly influenced my writing, though my style is to maintain more of a redacted view of my life, highlighting things that are funny, annoying, or cute, with a little heart, but never ever sappy, never too emotional, or too revealing.

Also, Jenny has a soft spot for outcasts and weirdos, so she may not have condoned Julie and I commenting on some of the odder individuals who showed up for the event. But seriously, who puts on a long pajama tee-shirt over their clothes halfway through a book signing? And dreadlocks on a pasty white 350-pound woman, show that you no longer have an interest in showering, and that’s just gross.

© Jennifer Alys Windholz, 2012

Why Don’t You Take A Picture, It’ll Last Longer

My pretty orchid. It's on my mantle next to my niece and nephew's picture. I shouldn't be allowed to own plants. If there were a PETA for plants, I'd be in jail.

Jeez, I’m going through just either a terrible bout of writer’s block or serious demotivation lately. I’m just not inspired to write a thing. And it’s not as if my kids haven’t given me enough material. They always do. I just can’t seem to put it into words.

Today I took Justin and Alex downtown to the Macy’s Flower Show. My dad and husband are big fans of the flower show. They were dragged to it about ten years ago and haven’t let me live it down. Whatever. I like it. It smelled amazing. The theme was Brasil, with rainforest and Carnaval inspired blooms.

Anyway, I bought an orchid. I’m notoriously terrible with plants, indoor and outdoor. So if anyone wants to start the pool on how long I can keep this thing alive, I’d say the over/under is about 60 days. And that would be about a record for me, but the little tag says that the plant doesn’t need to be watered for like 20 days, which is right up my alley.

© Jennifer Alys Windholz, 2012

There’s Really Nothing To See Here

I don’t really have anything to write about tonight.

So I started looking through the news. I shouldn’t do that. I’m not so much of the Occupy Wall Street mentality, but some shit corporations try to do just pisses me off.

I’m happy Verizon is not my cell phone provider, since starting January 15 you’re going to have to pay them to pay your bill.
Verizon to charge $2 fee for online payments.

Call the Waah-mbulance for PhoneDog, a company suing a former employee for taking his Twitter followers with him after separating amicably from the company.
Twitter account case may blaze new trails in social media law.

Yeah, they have users, but is anyone actually using Google+? Just go away already.
Google+ up to 62 million users 

This just makes my blood boil. Who knowingly puts their children in this cesspool?
Did Aliahna die in a ‘sex offender ghetto’? 

Also the Star Tribune only allows you to read 20 “free” articles now without subscribing online for 99 cents per week. What flipping ever.

And why are news stations so nuts with the damned video? I just want to read the damn news story, I don’t need perky reporterette and handsome actor wannabe reading my news to me. Just link to the damned story.

Yeah, I don’t even know why I’m writing tonight, this is for the benefit of no one. Can you tell today is the middle of winter break and I have four more days to go with all six of us in the house? All day. Every day. Someone needs to move.

© Jennifer Alys Windholz, 2011

It’s One Thing To Accomplish With Woman Gaga!

More spam comments. Why do these amuse me so? My brain reads this one with its best Borat accent.

“You recognize thus considerably on the subject of this matter, produced me personally consider it from so many numerous angles. Its like men and women aren’t involved except it’s one thing to accomplish with Woman gaga! Your personal stuffs outstanding. Always deal with it up!”

Always deal with it up. I think that’s my new motto.

© Jennifer Alys Windholz, 2011

America’s Finest News Source

If you are a regular reader, you know how much I “heart” The Onion. Sometimes I don’t even have to read the articles and I still find myself chuckling over just a headline for a day. Here are a few that are making me laugh.


  • Nation’s Dogs Dangerously Underpetted, Say Dogs
  • Smooth Jazz Musician Forced To Listen To His Own Song Over And Over While On Hold With Time Warner Cable 
  • Shirtless Biden Washes Trans Am In White House Driveway
  • Last Male Heir To Bloodline Watches Movie Alone On Laptop
  • Nation’s Optometrists Finally Starting To Recover After Raucous Optic Disc Expo 2011
  • Father Who Messed Up Visitation Schedule Consumes Entire Dora The Explorer Birthday Cake
  • Goofy Guy Named Gary Enlivens Otherwise Intolerable Wedding Reception
  • Search For ‘Kick-Ass Shelves’ Continues
  • Bitch Be Gettin’ All That Way
  • Syracuse Leaves Big East For Woman Named ‘Misti’

© Jennifer Alys Windholz, 2011


Spam, Spammy, Spam, Spam

My spam comments delight me to no end. What kills me is that these companies must actually make money doing this or they wouldn’t continue the practice. Who are the people who actually respond to a post like this, and say, yes, I do need to go to this totally legitimate site run out of the basement of an old KGB safe house somewhere in a former Eastern Bloc country, and order a pressure cooker.

This was a comment on a post I wrote about my frustration with the Archbishop of the Twin Cities.

This really is an excellent post. Thanks for sharing it with us, its usually good to find high quality posts to assist people understand more about the topic. Some of the subjects I am intrigued more about are buy pressure cookers . Cooking is one of my hobbies and finding out any information on buy pressure cookers is extremely useful. I’ll bookmark your site and stop by later on to see what new subjects you’ve.

© Jennifer Alys Windholz, 2011

15 Of My Favorite Words (Clean Version)

Words and language can be beautiful, intriguing, funny, and mellifluous.                               These are a few of my favorite words, for no reason in particular.

  1. batik
  2. chamois
  3. crescendo
  4. etiology
  5. doldrums
  6. fettuccine
  7. geosynchronous
  8. lachrymose
  9. malevolent
  10. obsidian
  11. pontificate
  12. sable
  13. tactile
  14. verdächtig
  15. yoga
© Jennifer Alys Windholz, 2011

De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da

Poets, priests and politicians
Have words to thank for their positions 

Sting wrote those lines when he was with The Police. He’s a talented poet, as are many songwriters. I started to write some poetry tonight. It’s something I’ve briefly dabbled in before, not to much critical acclaim. Poetry to me is using language to capture feeling. I’m not good with feelings or emotions. Or sharing my innermost thoughts. I love language and words, but Robert Frost I am not.

I think I'll leave the poetry to the professionals.

What I wrote amounted to what a Hallmark card would look like if they turned a bunch of trained monkeys loose with a pen and a thesaurus. I won’t be sharing the results. I think I’ll stick with sarcasm and snark. That’s what I do best.

© Jennifer Alys Windholz, 2011

The Traveler IQ Challenge

Sometimes it’s just sad how easily it is for me to get sidetracked. Tonight I was going through some e-mail archives looking for something I’d written. Instead I ran across a link to a world geography quiz and got caught up in it trying to get past Level 11.

World Map - 1689 first edition produced in Amsterdam using copper engraving.

I love foreign places. I love languages. I love to travel. I love world history. I love reading good travel literature. I could pour over an atlas or globe for hours and be perfectly entertained. I can easily get lost (figuratively, that is) on Google Earth. I used to have a National Geographic relief map of the world hanging on my wall. It showed all the ocean currents and trenches and continental shelf. I probably used up a good week or two just staring at that thing while sitting at my desk. I am such a nerd.

But goddammit, I still can’t get to Level 12. Here’s the link.

The Traveler IQ Challenge: How Well Do You Know Your World?

Give it a try. If you make it, let me know. Send proof. I will probably resent you and accuse you of cheating. But all the same, I still want to know if it can be done. And if you have any other good quizzes, send them my way. I’ll need something else to do when I beat this thing.

© Jennifer Alys Windholz, 2011